Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Maryland Family Network Read Now!

March 30 is the day to ask Congress to fund child care.

The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) is the primary federal grant program that provides child care assistance to parents and funds quality initiatives for child care.  It keeps parents earning and children learning.  As the House of Representatives looks to make cuts to non-defense discretionary programs in its next budget, please ask Maryland's Congressmen to urge the Appropriations Committee Chairman to increase funding for the CCDBG by $1.4 billion in the FY 2018 appropriations bill.
Without this additional $1.4 billion, states will not be able to implement the important reforms mandated by the CCDBG Act of 2014 without cutting the current number of children served by the subsidy program.  Like programs in the rest of the country, Maryland's severely underfunded subsidy program has seen a significant decline in the number of children served in recent years, and Maryland providers who serve children with subsidies are being reimbursed far below the federally recommended rate.  Given the urgent need for greater child care investments and the growing recognition of the importance of child care issues, we need to ask our Representatives to be champions for child care now.
We're asking you to join a national child care advocacy campaign on March 30 by making one quick phone call to your Congressman -- and we'll give you his phone number and a script to read.  If you don't know who represents you, you can check here.
Our Maryland Congressmen are:
District 1:  Andy Harris, 202.225.5311
District 2:  Dutch Ruppersberger, 202.225.3061
District 3:  John Sarbanes, 202.225.4016
District 4:  Anthony Brown, 202.225.8699
District 5:  Steny Hoyer, 202.225.4131
District 6:  John Delaney, 202.225.2721
District 7:  Elijah Cummings, 202.225.4741
District 8:  Jamie Raskin, 202.225.5341
If you speak to a staffer when you call, you can say:
Hi, my name is ________, and I'm a constituent of Congressman ________.  I'm calling because child care is an important issue for American families.  I know that April 6th is the deadline for Congressman ________ to make an appropriations request to the Chairman, and I'd like for him to prioritize an increase for child care.  Specifically, I hope Congressman ________ will ask for a $1.4 billion increase in CCDBG, because child care helps parents go to work and helps children get the good start they need.  Thank you for your time.
If you have to leave a message, you can say:
Hi, my name is ________, and I'm a constituent.  I urge Congressman ________ to ask for a $1.4 billion increase for CCDBG before the April 6th Appropriations request deadline, because child care helps parents work and children get the good start they need.
Please call on March 30 to let your Congressman know how important
the program that supports quality care for low-income working parents
and their children is to all Marylanders.

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